50 Quotes For The Day

Quotes For The Day you can read it in the morning every day to give you the enthusiasm and energy that you will find out a lot of positive quotations.
#Quote 1
Imagination is the relaxing time to the soul – Quotes Of The Day
#Quote 2
Dropped the Twilight curtains, with pinned stars – Quotes For The Day
#Quote 3
The best role model for a child is the parent – Quotes For The Day
#Quotes 4
It is again when you sacrifice pleasure to avoid pain – Quotes For The Day
#Quote 5
Bitter tears are often the price for love – Quotes For The Day
#Quote 6
The time doesn’t rush, but yet everything is done on time – Quotes For The Day
#Quote 7
When a bird starts to feel the light even at the dark dawn, it is called as faith.
#Quotes 8
Admiring with the heart is love, and loving with the mind is admire.
#Quote 9
Saddest sight is a young pessimist.
#Quotes 10
Life is a drawing art, but without an eraser.
#Quote 11
You can choose to discipline yourselves, or the world will do it for you – Quotes For The Day
#Quotes 12
Sooner or later, the fall of water will wear the stone.
#Quotes 13
Age doesn’t matter, unless if you are a cheese or wine.
#Quote 14
There is something marvellous about everything in this nature.
#Quote 15
Your first thought in the day is what decides your time.
#Quote 16
To be trusted is greater than to be loved.
#Quote 17
Never regret the things that never happened, it might be for good.
#Quotes For The Day 18
Artist is the only person who writes their autobiography.
#Quote 19
Take the sun, stars and the moon as a guide and live your life.
#Quote 20
Patience tends to achieve more than the force.
#Quote 21
The power, not used correctly causes corruption.
#Quotes 22
Love becomes sharper with absence and stronger with presence – Quotes For The Day
#Quote 23
It is the cracked pot that can be found a genius, not a whole pot.
#Quote 24
Only forgiveness can warm the heart and cools the sting.
#Quote 25
You must love if you wish to be loved.
#Quotes For The Day 26
Anyone who says that life is not a pain is selling something to you.
#Quote 27
A bad day will never equal to an excellent time.
#Quote 28
What you are on the outside shows the inside you – Quotes For The Day
#Quote 29
A path without any obstacles will lead you nowhere.
#Quotes 30
One day, you will at the place you wanted to be, it all depends on you.