Best Short Quotes

Best Short Quotes but contain many meanings in this small camel.
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#Quote 1
Nothing is too big for a try and nothing is too small to know – Best Short Quotes
#Quotes 2
Every new day is a change to change the thing you want to change in life – Best Short Quotes
#Quote 3
New thinking and new power come with a new day – Best Short Quotes
#Quotes 4
You only need one reason to continue above the hundred reasons to quit – Best Short Quotes
#Quote 5
Life, it is all up to you.
#Quote 6
It is indeed a good day to have a good day today – Best Short Quotes
#Quotes 7
You can’t face today if you are still clinging to yesterday – Best Short Quotes
#Quote 8
Discipline, when practised every day becomes a success – Best Short Quotes
#Quotes 9
Believe me, you have everything, you just got to know when to choose what – Best Short Quotes
#Quote 10
Maybe those bad days are there to help you appreciate the good days that are yet to come.
#Quotes 11
If you lack of something, try together, it always works.
#Quote 12
Dreams do get lost sometimes, then they come back better in shape.
#Quote 13
The greatest architecture of society ever, are the women.
#Quote 14
A brand new day, let’s try something you never tried before.
#Best Short Quotes 15
What is today is your last day, what will be the first thing that you would like to do?
#Quote 16
Think for a second, are all those grudges worth it?
#Quote 17
Whether you be sad or happy, the ending will never change, so why not be happy instead.
#Quote 18
Love is another word for forgiveness.
#Quote 19
Going through life is not meaningful, growing through life is.
#Quote 20
Excuses exist only when you don’t want to do something.
#Best Short Quotes 21
Life is beautiful just the way it is, you just have to realise that.
#Quote 22
Doubts have the ability to destroy success forever.
#Quotes 23
Look around you and decide what you want to do next.
#Quote 24
Your days will sum up to be your life, so spend it wisely.
#Short Quotes 25
The price of anything depends on the thing you are exchanging for.
#Quote 26
No one can define you but you.
#Quote 27
Listening is the strongest persuading technique ever known.
#Quote 28
Building a relationship is not as important as maintaining it.
#Quote 29
Listening is the greatest sign of respect.
#Best Short Quotes 30
When you are busy procrastinating, life is speeding up.
#Quotes 31
To beat mere talent, you only need motivation.
#Quote 32
Learn to give, even when you know you will get nothing in return.
#Quote 33
Dreams are big when they look scary.
#Quote 34
Set a goal all day and achieve it before the end of the day.
#Quote 35
Don’t be too busy in choosing your role model, be a role model yourself for others.
#Best Short Quotes 36
Adding life to days is much important than adding days to life.
#Quotes 37
Never complain of anything, try to fix it yourself.
#Quote 38
Always give your best, for that is the time to show the world your quality.
#Best Short Quote 39
A failure doesn’t lead to another, but experience does.
#Quote 40
Never bother about who will let you, bother about those who won’t let you.