Cool Quotes

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#Quote 1
In the case of emergency, call the pizza, it is much faster.
#Quote 2
The last thing that I would do is to hurt you; it’s the last on my list.
#Cool Quotes 3
Don’t be too serious in life, if you can’t laugh at yourself, call me, I’ll laugh at you for free.
#Quote 4
Don’t call me lazy, I just turn on my saving mode, all the time.
#Quote 5
The train stops at the train station, and bus stops at the bus station, and I, I have a workstation on my desk for the same reason.
#Quotes 6
The Dolphins are considered a very smart animal, because just within a few weeks of captivity, they can train characters to stand on the edge of the pool and throw them fish.
#Cool Quotes 7
When someone poke me in the wedding and say that you’re next’, I’ll poke the in the funeral and say the same thing.
#Quote 8
Parachute for sale, only been used once and never opened.
#Quote 9
It is sad to say that the stupid people are so stupid that they don’t even know how stupid they are.
#Quotes 10
When I’m bored, I send messages to random number saying, ‘I hid the body, now what?’
#Quote 11
He was sentenced to dead because he steals, I told him that the government hates competition, but he never listen to me.
#Quote 12
I’m an organised person, never let my schooling interferes with my education.
#Quote 13
I think that life is too short to remove the USB safely.
#Quote 14
I wonder if it’s called a success if a book about failures doesn’t sell.
#Quote 15
I always go to other people’s funeral, just to make sure that they will come to mine.
#Quotes 16
I have always wanted to drown all my troubles, but my wife doesn’t like swimming.
#Quotes 17
My grandmother loves to stay in shape; she started walking when she was 60, she’s 92 today, and we have no idea where she is.
#Cool Quotes 18
Don’t call me crazy, my reality is just different from yours.
#Quote 19
I did not fail the exam, just found out the answer that will never be correct.
#Quote 20
Hello excuse me, do you know the number for 911?
#Cool Quotes 21
I don’t hate you, but if you were hit by a car, I’d act blind.
#Quote 22
I am not lazy, just born to party all day.
#Quotes 23
I will not drink anymore and any less.
#Quotes 24
Where there’s a will, I found twenty relatives fighting for the way.
#Quote 25
If only Mother Teresa is born today, she will be kicking babies in future, because we are having that sort of era now.