Sad Quotes

Sad Quotes reading for lovers and lovers of movies drama stories, new sad quotes and great 50 Quotes about sadness.

130 Sad Quotes and Sayings

16 Best Sad Quotes – Quotes & Sayings About Sadness
#Quote 1
Sadness is the deadliest poison that kills you slowly in misery.
#Quote 2
Silent is considered as sadness best friend; they never exist without each other.
#Sad quotes 3
I am confused whether to be happy because we are friends or to be sad because that’s all we will ever be.
#Quote 4
I hate to say that I admire you, but you always love to say that you hate me.
#Quotes 5
She gave me without even giving me the possibility to call her, Mom!
#Quote 6
The best space one can have is alone, no expectation thus no disappointments, no hope either.
#Quote 7
The saddest thought is when you think that, it might have been.
#Quote 8
Never lose tens of people who love you for one person that you love.
#Quote 9
Untold love hurts more than the rejected love.
#Sad quotes 10
The saddest thing to see is seeing the person you love to smile at you, acknowledging you as a stranger.
#Quote 11
Yes, sadness does flies away with time, but it leave behind a permanent scar.
#Quote 12
One can never truly understand others’ sorrow and other’s joy.
#Quote 13
The best medicine for sadness is time, and time alone.
#Quote 14
It is the sadness that makes us appreciate and value the little joy.
#Quotes 15
Sad quotes, Remember that the wall we build around us, not only keep away the sadness, but also the happiness.
#Quote 16
There can never be a perfect partner, for you are not perfect either.
#Quote 17
The biggest tragedy of life is not what one suffer; it’s what one missed.
#Quote 18
I’m so used to sadness till I can’t live without it, it has become a part of me now.
#Quote 19
Sadness has passed, but whenever I’m happy, I always have the feeling that sadness is watching me, waiting for the right moment.
#Quote 20
Never make a decision when you are too happy and are too sad.
#Quote 21
Sadness teaches me thousands of lessons that happiness never did.
#Quotes 22
Life isn’t always about happy endings, prepare yourself for sad endings too.
#Quote 23
The most painful farewell is the ones that were untold.
#Sad Quotes 24
Yes, I love you, but you will nevermore know it, for I’m just a friend for you.
#Quote 25
I was waiting for the day I hate you for not loving me, but I end up thinking every second of you.
#Quote 26
Sadness, I’m so full of it till I don’t feel the sadness anymore.
#Quote 27
The smile shows happiness; sadness is shown by the sight.
#Quote 28
Today’s happy moments will be the sad thoughts tomorrow.
#Quote 29
Hurt me in the most painful way likely, for then there might be a small chance for me to hate you.
#Quote 30
I lived my entire life pleasing everyone, which I don’t recognise me anymore.
#Quote 31
I should have told what you are to me, maybe, you would have stayed.
#Quotes 32
I tell myself not to trust anyone ever again, every time someone betrayed me.
#Quote 33
I don’t know when I will be good enough for you, for today, I don’t even recognise myself anymore.
#Quote 34
No matter how far you are, you are always in my thoughts.
#Quote 35
It is funny how we end up just the way we started, strangers.
#Quote 36
I dreamt of love, little did I know that it will turn into nightmares later.
#Quote 37
You understand the meaning of a lyrics only when you are sad.
#Sad quotes 38
My favourite place is in the shower, for that is when I can cry.
#Quote 39
Behind every comedians’ act, there are millions of sadness hidden.
#Quotes 40
One who have gone through the pain of sadness tends to make others happy.
#Quote 41
Happiness teaches you the joy of life, but only sadness teaches you the meaning of life.
#Quote 42
After all these years, I love you is still the best lie you ever told.
#Quote 43
Sad quotes, At least, tell a lie that you love me, I will live the rest of my life with that.
#Quote 44
You said that you love everything that I love, but me “sad quotes”
#Quote 45
Sometimes, thinking of the past just breaks me into thousand pieces.
#Quote 46
I’m not hard to handle, you just didn’t notice the sign, ‘handle with care’.
#Quotes 47
Never judge me for you only know my name, not my story.
#Quotes 48
I wish to be your priority, not your option.
#Quote 49
Every time I smile, I am a liar.
#Quote 50
Words are spoken in anger, and drunken are the most truthful words you will ever hear.