Pretty Quotes

Pretty Quotes make life better look, you enjoy reading this excellent quotation and see life in the last, life is pretty quotes and has a lot of pros, Be a positive person to see the positives of life and the beautiful appearances.

Pretty Quotes

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Pretty Quotes
#Quote 1
Your imperfection is what makes you uniquely beautiful.
#Quotes 2
Everybody defines beauty differently, so there will always be someone who thinks that you are beautiful.
#Quote 3
Love based on beauty will eventually fade away as the beauty does.
#Quote 4
It takes the right guy to see a girl’s beauty, for every girl is beautiful in different ways.
#Quote 5
Beauty can be cool and dangerous at the same time.
#Quotes 6
Beauty, an utmost dangerous weapon for a guy.
#Quote 7
If beauty is the power, then a smile will be its sword.
#Quote 8
The real beauty lies within the soul, for that beauty of soul, is the only beauty that grows as the years pass.
#Quote 9
Beauty is meant to be admired by all.
#Quote 10
Beauty by thoughts is rare these days compare to beauty by birth.
#Quote 11
These days, even natural beauty takes, at least, two hours in front of the mirror.
#Quotes 12
They have cosmetics to look natural; natural has lost its meaning.
#Quote 13
Beauty can cure the deepest wound, as well as leave the deepest wound.
#Quote 14
The most important person that must think that you are beautiful is you.
#Quote 15
The best cosmetic a girl can have is a smile.
#Quote 16
Happiness is the most expensive makeup that a girl must have.
#Quote 17
We live in a world where beauty comes before good manners.
#Pretty Quotes 18
A gorgeous face in the world is the smiling face.
#Quote 19
You are not fat and ugly; you are just full of healthy and cute.
#Quote 20
Don’t make any decision based on beauty, for it will fade away and your decision will be questionable.
#Quotes 21
She is not ugly; her beauty is just unique.
#Quote 22
She is truly beautiful when is comfortable with the perfect imperfection.
#Pretty quotes 23
I hate cosmetics, for it hides my beauty.
#Quote 24
There is beauty in everything, but no one seems to have noticed that.
#Quote 25
I wish I could look more like me, me in those edited photos.
#Quote 26
How many years did you say that beauty will last again?
#Quote 27
The more you know a character, the more you will feel that the individual is beautiful, for you have seen the beauty of the soul.
#Quote 28
Forget about being beautiful, get out and walk the walk today, with confidence!
#Pretty Quotes 29
True words are not always beautiful, and beautiful words are not always correct.
#Quote 30
Remember that you are the most beautiful person to your parents and your partner.